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Comprehensive Wealth Management

The Value of a Holistic Advisor

Our comprehensive wealth management services consider all aspects of your financial situation when developing a roadmap to your goals. We do not offer one-off product sales; instead, we review all of the pieces of the puzzle to paint a realistic picture. Not only do we consider where you currently stand in relation to your retirement needs, but we also delve into cash flow analysis, risk management, investment management, tax management, estate planning, Medicare and social security. This approach avoids gaps in your strategy and creates a unified, harmonious plan.

The Money Cycle

Understanding the money cycle is imperative for achieving your retirement goals. The cycle includes three distinct phases we experience in life – the accumulation phase, the preservation phase and the distribution phase. Dellelo Wealth Management provides guidance in each of the three areas.

Accumulation Phase

During this phase, we gauge how much money is needed for your specific lifestyle during retirement and begin working towards that goal. We assist with determining the best outlet for your savings – such as a 401(k), IRA, etc. and monitor it regularly.

Preservation Phase

The preservation phase begins once you are financially stable and nearing retirement. This is a crucial phase that is often overlooked. With less time until retirement, it is important to have accessible funds that are preserved and not impacted by potentially volatile markets.

Distribution Phase

The final phase of the money cycle is when you draw from the funds you have accumulated and preserved. Our role doesn’t end once you have saved enough for retirement. Throughout the distribution phase, we assist clients with effective ways to make their funds last throughout retirement and leave a legacy upon passing.

The Bucket Plan®

As part of our holistic planning process, we help establish a worry-free approach to retirement through The Bucket Plan. This strategy provides reliable income throughout retirement, regardless of market fluctuation and puts retirees’ concerns about running out of money aside.

Many people keep liquid money in their checking and will invest the remaining portion. Nevertheless, this can be detrimental to your portfolio if you are taking money from your investments when the market is down. We walk clients through a three-bucket approach that consists of the following:


These funds are liquid and used for emergencies and large planned expenses. They are accessible and safe from market volatility.


This bucket consists of conservative investments for funds you will need sooner rather than later, but not immediately. It can serve as a source of planned income for the first phase of retirement. These funds are not impacted by the full swing of the stock market, but still have growth potential to offset inflation.


The “later” bucket is used for longer-term expenses and legacy planning. The investments are more volatile, but there is a longer time horizon prior to using these funds. We are focused on helping you achieve your retirement goals and remaining worry-free throughout your golden years!